Real estate speculator alert! Singapore is hot.
Virtually every high-end Singapore real estate agent has an anecdote about the immense wealth of Chinese clients. China's business elite is coming in ...
S&P's commercial real estate revolt
Blistered by congressional wrath over the housing bubble, the ratings agency now has the financial industry fuming over an 'arbitrary' downgrade plan....
The Real Story
Betsy Morris, Patricia Sellers, Julie Schlosser, Ellen Florian, John Helyar, and Patricia Neering 2008-02-22 10:05 发现相似文章来源:2004年5月号《财富》杂志作者:Betsy Morris, Patricia Sellers, Julie Schlosser, Ellen Florian, John Helyar, and Patricia NeeringHow did Coca-Cola's management go...
Is this rally for real?
Stocks have been on a record run. We asked the experts where they go from here.By Scott CendrowskiIf you had the courage to buy stocks when the market...
Singapore: Asia's Switzerland for banking
Earlier this month, several of the most important players in the private banking sector—a clubby, secretive group serving uber-high-end clients—gather...
香港 年增幅:20.1%中国内地的巨富们正在一窝蜂地拥向香港。这并非由于香港是世界商业和贸易中心,而是由于香港拥有世界最受欢迎房地产。由于香港只有426平方英里,人多地少,因此需求相对较大,而供给紧张 。这就解释了为什么去年香港的房价要比世界其他国家和地区增长得更快。这也使购买这些昂贵住房的借贷成本...
香港 年增幅:20.1%中国内地的巨富们正在一窝蜂地拥向香港。这并非由于香港是世界商业和贸易中心,而是由于香港拥有世界最受欢迎房地产。由于香港只有426平方英里,人多地少,因此需求相对较大,而供给紧张 。这就解释了为什么去年香港的房价要比世界其他国家和地区增长得更快。这也使购买这些昂贵住房的借贷成本...
新加坡航空公司(Singapore Airlines)
Meet the real 'Mad Men'
In honor of the debut of the third season of 'Mad Men' on AMC, Fortune looks back at the real life ad giants who defined their decades and swayed the ...
Oil bigs to Obama: Get real
by Adam LashinskyThe CEO of Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, lashed out at the Obama administration Thursday, lamenting the ove...